The Medium Size Gorgeous Finger Acupuncture Massage Ring can not only massage acupuncture points on the finger or the joints, but also enhance the body's blood circulation, effectively relieving finger from repeated mechanical labor pain, numbness and fatigue. It is also a good way to make your fingers become more slender. What is more, you can use it as a general rings. Its exquisite design based on premium steel material makes the massage ring durable and comfortable to wear. Its plating gold look seems to be shiny and chic. This ring will bring you both charm and health! Why not have a try?
An elegant ring with powerful function
Massage your finger to relieve pain or fatigue
Regular wearing will help to make your finger slim
Good for blood circulation
It is a pretty ornament crafted from top-grade materials and fine workmanship
Act as a real ring for daily match
Item Type
Massage & Relaxation
Steel, Electroplating Gold
(0.98 x 0.35 x 0.35)" / (2.5 x 0.9 x 0.9)cm (L x W x H)